Daniel Manoso Hernando
Senior Physiotherapist
Daniel graduated as a physiotherapist in Madrid (Spain).
After gaining professional experience practicing for a Spanish football team in 2nd B division he moved full time to a private practice in Madrid. Daniel also worked part time in the Spanish Army where he gained a lot of experience treating musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain and sport injuries.In 2015 he completed a Master Degree in “Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Pain”in Madrid (Spain).
Throughout all these years Daniel, as a very passionate musculoskeletal physiotherapist, did different manual therapy courses such as all the training formation in the “Mulligan Concept”, “McConnell Shoulder and Knee” and “Dry Needling”. Currently he is very focused on the “Maitland Concept”, and he hopes to finish all the Maitland levels by 2019.
In 2016 Daniel carried out a volunteer project collaborating during one month and a half with the physiotherapy staff of the Associated Rehabilitation Centre for the Handicapped (ARCH) in Mutengene, Cameroon, as well as teaching Manual Therapy concepts as Mulligan, Maitland or McConnell, therapeutic exercise, pain education and clinical reasoning skills.
Since September of 2016 Daniel has worked at ProPhysio UK as a Senior Physiotherapist.